Thursday, November 17, 2011

Talk to her

I was recently in a situation that I felt invisible. I wasn’t heard. I believe that the man SHOULD be the head, but I believe that it is something that many don’t know how to be, so they resort to leading with a strong arm, instead of an open heart. It doesn’t take much to win a woman’s heart, but once you lose it, it’s almost impossible to get it back. So, here are some small things, that mean the world to us. For each woman it may be different, but I believe that we all can relate to at least a few things on the list. And fellas, if you are not doing these, you might want to consider adding a few... Ladies, feel free to add to the list...

talk to her like you want someone to talk to your mama, (thanks India

have heart2hearts,

don't talk AT her-talk TO her,

make her a priority

tell her she’s beautiful- especially when she is not feeling it.

smile at her even when your upset

hold her as she cries, even if you don’t know why. We don’t need you to fix it, we just need you to be there.

allow her to make her own mistakes-and not pay for someone's elses. Remember, you’re not perfect either

don't be quick to give up on her, fight for her-not with her.

don't hold her to a standard that you can't even uphold.

be the head-but not the dictator.

make decisions not bc you can, but after consideration of how it will affect her, and BEFORE you make it.

Always open her door-even if she gets there first

When she says ‘it’s ok’- know that it’s probably anything but ok.

consider her above yourself.

discuss your fears, but listen to her concerns.

Pray FOR her & WITH her. Lead her to the throne.

Be the spiritual leader, but don’t be too spiritual to learn from her wisdom

Listen to her whine, and don’t try to fix it, just listen

Turn off the game every once and a while, just to talk to her

Grab her hand, and hold her heart

Trust her with yours

don't hear but listen. Realize that understanding doesn’t mean agreeing.

Hear with your heart and not just your head.

honor her, respect her, cherish her, and when you truly love her don't let her go.

Do this-and we will follow you to the ends of eternity...

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